Zechariah 2:1-2 commentary

       1: I lifted up my eyes again and looked and behold a person with a measuring line in their hand 2: Then said I Where do you go? And [the person] answered To measure Jerusalem to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof

Comments: Zechariah 2:1-2 The Hebrew doesn't say Zechariah saw a mortal, ‘âdâm—which means mortal/human, it says the prophet saw aish (ish), which usually refers to male humans, but the word is also used generically for person or for mixed crowds of both women and men. Translators supplement the text with male nouns and pronouns, though we cannot know for certain if the person Zechariah saw actually appeared to be male or not. It is assumed the appearance is male, but the text never explicitly says that. What is known is that, in this case, the person Zechariah sees appears to be human but is not. In reality, this person is some kind of celestial being.

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