Zechariah 1:14 commentary


 Cry thou saying Thus says YHWH of Armies I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy

Comments: RR Zechariah 1:14 There is a reason our Creator is jealous for Jerusalem and Zion (Zion in this case refers to God’s people Israel/Jacob Zechariah 1:17). Both the city and the people are key to fulfillment of Bible prophecy—in defeating the adversary—the satan (pronounced saw-tawn) and his hordes, in winning the eons-long cosmic war, and in ushering in God’s eternal kingdom of peace. Possession of planet earth is the prize the satan is after, with destruction of the Hebrew people and possession of Jerusalem being key. 

The Most High has already declared Himself to be the winner in the cosmic conflict between YHWH of ARMIES and the satan and his hordes. YHWH is the good lord. The satan is the cruel task master who wants only death and destruction for the human race.

Believers in Jesus, the Messiah, are on the winning side because of His death and resurrection. The ransom was paid on the cross (humans were taken hostage at the Fall), and the war was won. Not by might not by power but by My Spirit says the LORD. Prophecy was fulfilled when Messiah was born, died, and rose again. There is more prophecy yet to be fulfilled. The Battle of Armageddon is not the end Psalm 149:6-9, Ezekiel 39:1-8, Revelation 16:16, 19:11-21.

Even at the end of the first 1000 years, after the satan and his hordes are temporarily loosed from their millennial prisons to initiate the final conflict, planet earth, the nation of Israel, Zion and Jerusalem, will still be their targets Ezekiel 38:8-10, Revelation 20:7-10.

Why? Because the satan mistakenly believes that if he can prevent prophecy from being fulfilled that he can win the war, win possession of planet earth, and finally achieve his goal of becoming the Most High Isaiah 14:12-14.

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