Joel's Army: Joel 2:11, Who or What is the LORDS Army Described Joel 2:11

 What has become popularly known as "Joel's Army" is described in Joel 2:11, where the prophet writes of an army that he describes as "The LORD'S Army." This is a fearsome army that will one day cover the land (The Promise Land--Israel), wreaking terror, pain, and destruction. But, since Joel calls it the LORD'S army, there is much confusion and debate about whether or not this army is a righteous host rather than an evil/demonized army.

How can a demon (or demonized) army be called the LORD'S? 

The answer to that is quite simple—the LORD calls the shots. Regardless of who is carrying out his will, and there are numerous examples in scripture of the LORD using Satan and/or his Fallen Ones to carry out his will or judgments. One example of this is found in 1 Kings 22:19-23 where the prophet Micaiah reveals God’s strategy [in using demonic spirits] for bringing down King Ahab for his wickedness in leading Israel into Ba'al worship.

Micaiah is given a glimpse into Heaven where he sees the Most High surrounded by HIS armies, and asks, "Who will persuade Ahab" to go into a battle that would result in his death. We then read of a spirit volunteering to be a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab’s prophets. No Holy Angel is a lying spirit. So the spirit that stepped up to the plate offering to deceive must have been a fallen angel. Remember that Satan gathered with the Sons of God (Holy Angels) on the days he challenged God to test Job. There was a point in time that Satan and his angels had limited access to the presence of God. Has that time ended? That is another subject and for another post.

It is interesting to note that the "Armies of the LORD" that stood on his right side and on his left side [in the days of King Ahab] included both holy and fallen angels (as evidenced by the lying spirit that came forward at the LORD’S challenge). 

Matthew 25:33, tells us that during the Judgement of the Nations, the sheep (righteous) are placed on the right hand of the King (Jesus) and the goats (unrighteous) are placed on his left hand. By that, it can reasonably be concluded that the armies seen by Micaiah, who stood on God’s right hand were holy angels and the armies on his left were fallen angels.

Like the lying spirit we read about in 1 Kings 22, the army described in Joel chapter two, is anything but a righteous army. But both the spirit and the army are agents of God in the evil tasks they are assigned to accomplish. The army Joel describes causes much pain and leaves widespread destruction in its wake.

The army Joel describes corresponds closely with the demon army described by John in The Revelation (Revelation 9). It is likely the same army. This demonized army will bring great destruction during the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (The Great Tribulation).

The LORD’S army described in the book of Joel, is a demonized army, used by the Living God in executing HIS judgment during The Time of Jacob's Trouble/THE Great Tribulation. 

It is called the LORD’S army, not because it is a righteous army, but because it is being used to execute the will of God... ...

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