Zechariah 2:5 commentary

 For I declares YHWH will be unto her [Jerusalem] a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midst of her

Comments: Zechariah 2:5 Just as there was a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night leading the Israelites for forty years through the wilderness, there will be a visible wall of fire protecting Jerusalem during the first 1000 years of Christ’s Kingdom. The “glory in the midst of her” can only be referring to the Holy Place of the Holy Ones [the Holy of Holies] in the millennial Temple.

Genesis 18:22 commentary

 And the persons turned Their faces from there to go toward Sodom but Abraham withstood before YHWH

Comments: Genesis 18:22 These persons are not mortals. But they are persons. Genesis 18:1 says they are YHWH. That means they are not mortals. Also, they cannot be called men, as the Hebrew word, enowsh, can be used for mixed companies of both women and men.

If these three persons are indeed the Godhead—and verses :1-:5 says and shows they are—then one of the persons should appear as female. In every Hebrew text, the Holy Spirit--the Ruach--is feminine. Also, the Greek texts never refer to the Holy Spirit as he. Christians only believe the Holy Spirit is male because of English-translation-theology.

Zechariah 2:1-2 commentary

       1: I lifted up my eyes again and looked and behold a person with a measuring line in their hand 2: Then said I Where do you go? And [the person] answered To measure Jerusalem to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof

Comments: Zechariah 2:1-2 The Hebrew doesn't say Zechariah saw a mortal, ‘âdâm—which means mortal/human, it says the prophet saw aish (ish), which usually refers to male humans, but the word is also used generically for person or for mixed crowds of both women and men. Translators supplement the text with male nouns and pronouns, though we cannot know for certain if the person Zechariah saw actually appeared to be male or not. It is assumed the appearance is male, but the text never explicitly says that. What is known is that, in this case, the person Zechariah sees appears to be human but is not. In reality, this person is some kind of celestial being.

Zechariah 1:14 commentary


 Cry thou saying Thus says YHWH of Armies I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy

Comments: RR Zechariah 1:14 There is a reason our Creator is jealous for Jerusalem and Zion (Zion in this case refers to God’s people Israel/Jacob Zechariah 1:17). Both the city and the people are key to fulfillment of Bible prophecy—in defeating the adversary—the satan (pronounced saw-tawn) and his hordes, in winning the eons-long cosmic war, and in ushering in God’s eternal kingdom of peace. Possession of planet earth is the prize the satan is after, with destruction of the Hebrew people and possession of Jerusalem being key. 

The Most High has already declared Himself to be the winner in the cosmic conflict between YHWH of ARMIES and the satan and his hordes. YHWH is the good lord. The satan is the cruel task master who wants only death and destruction for the human race.

Believers in Jesus, the Messiah, are on the winning side because of His death and resurrection. The ransom was paid on the cross (humans were taken hostage at the Fall), and the war was won. Not by might not by power but by My Spirit says the LORD. Prophecy was fulfilled when Messiah was born, died, and rose again. There is more prophecy yet to be fulfilled. The Battle of Armageddon is not the end Psalm 149:6-9, Ezekiel 39:1-8, Revelation 16:16, 19:11-21.

Even at the end of the first 1000 years, after the satan and his hordes are temporarily loosed from their millennial prisons to initiate the final conflict, planet earth, the nation of Israel, Zion and Jerusalem, will still be their targets Ezekiel 38:8-10, Revelation 20:7-10.

Why? Because the satan mistakenly believes that if he can prevent prophecy from being fulfilled that he can win the war, win possession of planet earth, and finally achieve his goal of becoming the Most High Isaiah 14:12-14.

Zechariah 1:12-14

12: And He is answering Angel of YHWH and He is saying YHWH of Armies how long will you not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah against which you menace these 70 years? 13:  And He is answering YHWH את [ALEPH TAV/FIRST LAST] the Angel (the one speaking with me) with good words and comfortable words 14: And He is saying to me the Angel the one speaking with me

Comments: Zechariah 1:12 The Angel of the LORD is asking the question. See notes in verses 10-11 about who the Angel of the LORD is.

Zechariah 1:12 If the Angel of the LORD in this verse, is the same Angel of the LORD who is identified as the Almighty in Numbers 22, then what we have here is a conversation within the Godhead.

Zechariah 1:13 YHWH ALEPH TAV is answering. The ALEPH TAV First Last is answering. Bible translators consistently neglect to include the Hebrew letters ALEPH TAV after the Tetragrammaton where it is present. They admit they do not know what the two letters mean when they follow the names of God, so they just leave them out of literally all Bible translations.

ALEPH and TAV are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alephbet and are present together in the first verse of Genesis, giving contextual meaning to the two letters when found within that framework. In the beginning ELOHIM ALEPH TAV created the heavens and the earth. ELOHIM FIRST LAST created the heavens and the earth. What is so difficult about that to comprehend?

Bible scholars, and most especially Bible translators, have a responsibility to share what they know with the unwashed masses—not withhold Bible knowledge through omissions in translations. This fault tracks back to institutions of higher learning.

In the beginning ELOHIM ALEPH TAV created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:1. And YHWH ALEPH TAV answered… Zechariah 1:13. What’s so hard about that? Experts in the biblical languages, Bible colleges, and seminaries should be teaching what they can but have no business being the gatekeepers of theological understanding.

They say they don’t know what the letters ALEPH TAV mean when presented together as a word in the Hebrew text (they certainly do not mean “the”)? Then include them in our Bibles untranslated and add a footnote to that effect. That would be responsible scholarship.

Zechariah 1:11 commentary


and they are saying We have walked to and fro through the earth and behold all the earth sits still and is at rest

Comments: Zechariah 1:11 The troop of Angels on horses who are behind the Captain—the Angel of the LORD—are the ones who are speaking. This angel troop is patrolling for something. They are not patrolling to see what humans are up to. They are looking for activity by the god of this world and his military and leaders. Jesus and Paul called them “princes.”

The angel patrol, seen by Zechariah, is part of the armies of heaven, a patrol led by the Captain of the Armies of Heaven—the Angel of the LORD—and was patrolling for enemy activity in the cosmic war for possession of planet earth. This is what the battle of Armageddon will be about—possession of planet earth. Both human and celestial armies will be clashing on the day Christ returns Revelation 19. It will be epic. Touchdown Jesus

The god of this world system—the Satan John 12:31,14:30,16:11, 1 Corinthians 2:6,8, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2 has armies. The heavenly angel troop, seen by Zechariah, was referencing the fact that they found no evidence of cosmic enemy (army) activity when they said all the earth was still and at rest.

Zechariah 1:10-11 commentary


10: And the man that stood among the myrtle trees [on the red horse] answered and said These [are] whom He, YHWH, sends to and fro through the earth 11: And they [the ones behind him] are answering the Angel of YHWH—the one standing among the myrtle trees [the one on the red horse verse :8]

Comments: Zechariah 1:10-11 in Numbers 22:33-35, the Angel of the LORD is YHWH. Is it possible that the Angel of the LORD, the messenger on the red horse speaking to Zechariah, is the same Angel of the LORD seen by Balaam Numbers 22:23-35? The word usually translated as angel in this verse, is also translated as messenger, Jesus is referred to as Messenger in Malachi 3:1. Read more about this HERE.

Zechariah 1:3-6 YHWH of Armies commentary

 3: Because of this say thou unto them Thus He says YHWH of Armies Turn ye unto Me declares YHWH of Armies and I will turn unto you says YHWH of Armies 4: Be ye not as your fathers unto whom the former prophets have cried saying Thus He says YHWH of Armies Return you, please! from your ways—the evil ones and [from] your practices and [from] your practices—the evil ones But they did not hear nor attend unto Me declares YHWH 5: Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live forever? 6: But My words and My statutes which I commanded my servants the prophets did they not overtake your fathers? and they turn themselves and they are saying Like as YHWH of Armies thought to do unto us according to our ways and according to our doings so has he dealt with us 

Comments: Zechariah 1:3-6 Whenever our Creator refers to himself as YHWH of Armies (the title usually translated as LORD of hosts), he is reminding us that we are in a cosmic war, a war mortals tend to call “spiritual.”

Spiritual really means cosmic—heavenly—but humans are more comfortable considering heavenly things as ethereal, things without tangible substance. This is a huge mistake. Cosmic armies, both the armies of light and the armies of darkness, have as much substance as anything we can see and touch on a daily basis. Just because something is heavenly—cosmic—doesn’t mean it lacks substance.  More commentary on these verses can be read HERE.

Zechariah 2:1-2 commentary

       1: And he shewed me Joshua the high priest Haggai 1:1, 2:2 standing before the Angel of the LORD and The Satan [the adversary] standing on their right to be satan of them [adversary to them] 2: And He is saying, YHWH, to the Satan YHWH rebuke thee O satan even YHWH that has chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee Is not this [Jerusalem/Israel] a brand plucked out of the fire?

Comments: Zechariah 3:1-2 Satan [שטן], meaning adversary, is an untranslated Hebrew word pronounced “sawtawn.” It is not a personal name. The Satan (the definite article, “the,” as in The Satan, is in the Hebrew text). The Satan is a title for a personal being, but it is not a personal name. The identity of the being known only as the Satan in Hebrew and the Diabolos in Greek (both words mean adversary) is a mystery, believed by some to be Helel [הֵ ילֵ ל], translated as Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12. Lucifer comes from the Latin translation and is not present in the Hebrew text.

(Quote from internet search) The reason Lucifer has been understood to be a proper name of The Devil has to do with the Latin translation of the Hebrew term Helel … It means "light bearer," or Lucifero in Latin. The Latin title became a popular name for this evil figure (End Quote)”.

We see from this, that when it comes to understanding who the Satan is, English-speaking peoples have been centuries-long victims of English-translation-theology and priestcraft (this goes for both protestant and catholic Believers). Priestcraft reserves special knowledge to the initiated or highly educated few, of what the biblical texts actually say or do not say.

Scholars and Bible translators should be respected for the knowledge they have worked so hard to acquire but, concerning biblical texts, should never be permitted to be the gate keepers of biblical knowledge, in deciding what the masses are or are not to be informed about.

Fortunately, in these last days, when knowledge is increasing exponentially Daniel 12:4, biblical knowledge as well has become readily available to all hungry hearts. Every Believer now has opportunity and means to compare texts and scholarship, to become Bible scholars and learn for ourselves.

In Zechariah 3:1-2, the Adversary—the Satan—(as opposed to other, lesser, adversaries,) is standing on Joshua’s and the Angel of YHWH’s [The Angel of the LORD’s] right [hands] to resist them both. The Hebrew text clearly shows that it is both the Angel of the LORD and Joshua (who represents God’s people Israel) who the Satan is being an adversary to.

The Satan is first the adversary to the Almighty, and as such is adversary to every human being, as we are all created in the image of our Creator.

YHWH himself rebukes The Satan, using the words, “YHWH rebuke you,” the same words used by Michael, as quoted by Jude, when Micheal contended with the same being over resurrecting the body of Moses (the Adversary opposes resurrections. He doesn’t give a flip about dead bodies). The Satan is called the διάβολος, the Diabolos the Adversary, in Greek Jude 9. The Satan and the Diabolos are one and the same being. 

Zechariah 1:8-9 commentary

8: I saw by night and behold a man riding upon a red horse and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom and behind him were there red horses speckled, and white 9: And I am saying what are these Adonai [literally “my LORDS”]And He is saying to me—the angel the one speaking with me—I, I will show thee what these be

Comments: Zechariah 1:8-9 ADONAI אֲדֹ נָי is a Hebrew word that is almost entirely used in relation to YHWH in the Hebrew scriptures. The word ADONAI is a plural and translates literally as "my Lords," referencing the Godhead, as are two other titles for the Godhead, YHWH and ELOHIM. It is derived from the singular word "Adon," which means "Lord." Adding the singular suffix yod, transforms the singular word Adon, into the plural and possessive Adonai, referencing the Godhead. More commentary on these verses can be read HERE.