Micah 1:1-6 commentary


 1: The word of YHWH that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem 2: Hear all ye people hearken O earth and all that therein is for He is becoming ADONAI YHWH for [a] witness against you ADONAI from temple of His Holiness 3: For behold YHWH going forth from His place and He descends and He treads  on high places of high places of [the] earth 4: And the mountains under him they are melted and the valleys they shall be torn apart as wax before the fire and as the waters that are poured down a steep place 5: Because of the transgression of Jacob is all this and because of the sins of the house of Israel What is the transgression of Jacob? is it not Samaria? and what are the high places of Judah? are they not Jerusalem? 6: Because of this I will make Samaria as a rubbish-heap of the field and as plantings of a vineyard and I will pour down the stones of it into the valley and I will uncover the foundations of it

Comments: In Micah 1:2-6, Adonai YHWH is speaking and referring to the Godhead in both first and third persons. Both names, Adonai [a title] and YHWH, are plural, as is the title Elohim.

The man-made phrase “plurality of majesty” cannot be superimposed or juxtaposed onto plural references the Godhead makes of *itself Genesis 1:26. Scholars attempt this in order to change the meaning of the plural and deny the existence of the Godhead Colossians 2:9.

*Though the Godhead is comprised of three persons, it is a “being” and not a person Martin. Therefore “it” is appropriate to reference to the being we know as the Godhead Colossians 2:9.

The term “plurality of majesty” is used by earthly monarchs and others who think of themselves as gods [of a sort]. The plurality of majesty could have been first used by those written of in Genesis chapter six, the sons of God (Bene ha Elohim—angels), some of whom, according to Enoch, ruled in concert with one another, and, according to Genesis 6:2-4 mated with human women, who gave birth to hybrid beings, the nephilim. Both the Bene ha Elohim and the nephilim became the false elohim worshipped by ancient peoples.

When Adonai YHWH says “Us,” it is a literal reference to the Tri-unity of the three persons within the Godhead *1 John 5:7 and not a medieval reference to a pompous man-made (or elohim-made) term. Human monarchs created the expression “plurality of majesty.” Our Creator, YHWH ELOHIM, did not.

*The Johannine Comma is present in early Christian writings that pre-date the 16th Century. If the Comma was not present in any manuscript dating prior to the 16th Century… ·How could it have been found in a Syriac manuscript dated from around A.D. 170 (2nd Century), or in a Latin manuscript from around 200 A.D. (3rd Century)? · How could it have been included in resolutions made at the Counsel of Carthage in A.D. 415 (5th Century)? · How could Cassiodorus have quoted it in A.D. 480 (5th century) · How could 400 Bishops have quoted, and discussed it at length, in their defense of the trinity in A.D. 484 (5th Century)?

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