Daniel 7:13-14 commentary


I saw in the night visions and behold one like THE SON OF MORTALS came with the Clouds of Heaven Hebrews 12:1 and came to the Ancient of days and they brought him near before him And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve him His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed

Comments: Daniel 7:13-14 is a companion scripture to Matthew 28:18 where Jesus told his disciples that all powers had been surrendered to him [Martin] both the powers in the heavens and the powers upon earth. Add Revelation 20 to that, and we see that the powers under the earth are included in that surrender. Nothing was given to Jesus as a gift, but, rather, everything surrendered to him, because he won the cosmic war.  

Jesus retains his humanity to this day and forever. Though all the fullness continues to reside in him in physical form, he is still human--one of us. Seeing him relate to his father as a human does not detract from his equal and autonomous authority within the Godhead, as Jesus is YHWH

It is not possible for mortals to comprehend how this can be, but it is sinful to create a gender-based hierarchy based upon a non-existent hierarchy within the Godhead.

Where there are no consequences for insubordination, there can be no subordination. Therefore, there is no hierarchy within the Godhead. Even in his humanity, Jesus was never for one second subordinate. He was not required to die on the cross. He volunteered for it. As a mortal, he was an obedient son though never a subordinate one. This is a vital distinction. Jesus’ obedience was purely voluntary out of love for those he became, but he could have walked away from the cross without personal consequence. Where there are no consequences for insubordination, there can be no subordination.

What do we think those twelve legions of angels would have been for, the ones that Jesus could have called before allowing himself to be taken and crucified? Jesus didn’t need twelve legions of angels to deliver him from Pilate’s horde. He proved that when he said two words, identifying himself as the God of the Burning Bush, “I AM.” [John 18:5-6] When he said that the armed horde fell backwards onto the ground. Even at that moment, all the fulness of the Godhead resided in Jesus in physical form. So, what would the angel armies have been for? They would have been for the final battle with the powers of darkness who already thought they had just won the war against the powers of light.

Had the princes of this world known they would never have crucified the LORD OF GLORY…. God could have won the cosmic war right then, but if Jesus had walked away from calvary and called for those angel armies, scripture would not have been fulfilled, and humanity would have been lost. 

When the Almighty took on human flesh, it was forever. Though The WORD set aside His glory in heaven for a few short years when He became THE SON [Hebrews 1:5, Psalm 2:7], He never lost his deity and authority. He did not think it thievery to be equal with God [Philippians 2:5-8 kjv]. He boldly claimed Jehovahistic identity [John 18:5-6]. Jesus was and is fully God and fully human, though, ever since He conquered death at the resurrection, He is no longer mortal.  

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