John 1:1-14 Commentary


 Does John 1:1-14 Say Jesus is THE ALMIGHTY?

    “In the beginning was THE WORD and THE WORD was with GOD and THE WORD was GOD.

To the Jew and the Christian there is no GOD with a lower-case “g,”. In scripture, both the Old Covenant and the New, all gods with lower-case “g’s” are false gods, idols, and devils. So no scriptural claim can be made that Jesus is God, but not GOD.

John 1:1 speaks of the One True God, THE GODHEAD, and to the identity of one member of THE GODHEAD, and in particular, to that member’s identity before he became a mortal as THE SON.

John 1:1 plainly states that Jesus is YHWH.

The Jew, John, had only one GOD. The Christian, John, had only one GOD. and when he wrote the word “God” in reference to his God, he meant “GOD.” YHWH was John’s only GOD, and he worshipped his Messiah as YHWH in human form. Paul did the same and went on to pen the words “All the fullness of THE GODHEAD dwells in Jesus in physical form. John’s fellow apostle, Thomas the twin, also worshipped Jesus as YHWH. We see that when he called the Risen SON OF GOD, “My LORD and my GOD.

Be it ELOHIM, ADONAY, or YHWH, no good Jew or Christian has more than one LORD or one GOD. And we propose that all of the above titles refer to the composite unity we know as THE GODHEAD. We further propose that each member of THE GODHEAD, possesses full Deity and either individually or collectively can legitimately lay claim to each of the above titles. There are many verses where we see this.

John 1:1 is just as plain in Greek as it is in English. “In the beginning was Ho Logos and Ho Logos was with Ton Theon and Theos was Ho Logos.

This verse is the reason Jesus is known as the “Living WORD.” The literal translation of “THE WORD,” in John1:1, is Ho Logos [Strong’s G3056], meaning: utterance, sayings, thought, cause, motive, doctrine, communication, computation.

One of the most common translations for logos, is “word.” But substitute any of the above meanings of the word logos into John 1:1, and see if that changes anything?

·         “In the beginning was THE UTTERANCE and THE UTTERANCE was with THE GOD and GOD was THE UTTERANCE.

·         “In the beginning was THE CAUSE and THE CAUSE was with THE GOD and GOD was THE CAUSE.

·         “In the beginning was THE COMMUNICATION and THE COMMUNICATION was with THE GOD and GOD was THE COMMUNICATION.

No matter which word is inserted, nothing changes the fact that THE LOGOS is GOD with a capital “GOD.”

The writer of Hebrews states that in these last days, YHWH has spoken to us by his incarnate Son—who is THE LOGOS who became a mortal. A few verses down, John tells us that, “THE LOGOS became human and lived among us.”

Colossians 2:9, tells us that all the fullness of THE GODHEAD dwells in Jesus in physical form. Jesus is YHWH. Some refer to the lack of the definite article ho (“the” G3588) before Theos, in John 1:1, as excuse to claim Jesus is not YHWH. but lack of the definite article is of no consequence. The Almighty (YHWH=THE GODHEAD) is referred to as GOD (THEOS/THEON and a few other forms of the word) throughout the New Testament, both with and without the definite article.

The meaning of John 1:1 is already clear but, if possible, becomes even more so as the passage continues. Verse two reads, “The same was in the beginning with GOD.”

The father of the incarnate WORDTHE SON—is YHWH=THE GODHEAD, not just one member of THE GODHEAD.

Can mortals wrap finite understanding around such a feat?

John continues in verse three: “All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made Colossians 1:16”. If verses one and two are not enough, John 1:3 alone refutes any idea that THE pre-incarnate WORD was a created being. If everything was created by Jesus, and nothing was created without him, he cannot himself be a creation.

In him was life and the life was the light of all.” Verse four addresses the intrinsic qualities of light and life, that tell us who THE WORD was, the same WORD who is THE CREATOR, who later became the mortal SON of GOD.

THE WORD was not given life and light. He did not simply possess light and life. He intrinsically is LIFE and LIGHT. Jesus said as much to Martha, when he asked her if she believed her brother would live again. She answered that she knew Lazarus would live again in the resurrection. When Martha said that, Jesus told her that Lazarus had no need to wait until the general resurrection, because THE RESURRECTION HIMSELF, THE LIFE HIMSELF, was at that moment, standing in her presence John 11:23-25.

THE RESURRECTION and THE LIFE are not a what but rather a who. And Jesus told Martha that he was the who. He declared “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. Where have we heard the I AM speak before?

John 1:5-14: And the light shone in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not There was a man sent from GOD whose name was John He came for a witness to bear witness of THE LIGHT that through him [THE LIGHT] all might believe He [John] was not that LIGHT but was sent to bear witness of that LIGHT [Who] was the TRUE LIGHT who lights every one that comes into the world kosmos He was in the kosmos and the kosmos was made by him and the kosmos knew him not He came to his own The Jews and his own received him not But as many as received him to them he gave authority [to become] children of GOD even to them that believe on his name Who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of mortals but from GOD And THE LOGOS was made flesh and lived among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten[1] of the Father [=Godhead] full of grace and truth

[1] All believers are [adopted] children of GOD, so our Creator has many “sons.” But there is just one “begotten” son (that would be one physically born to him -Vs- adopted), and that is Jesus Hebrews 1:5.

The commentary in this post, is a preview of a new chapter in the upcoming new edition of, "Jesus: God of the Burning Bush, Eternal Father & Beloved Son."

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